Chapter- 1 Resources (Question answer)

Question 1:

Answer the following questions.

(i) Why are resources distributed unequally over the Earth?


(i) The distribution of resources depends upon a number of physical factors like terrain, climate and altitude. Since these factors differ so much over the Earth, the distribution of resources is unequal.

(ii) What is resource conservation?


Using resources carefully and giving them time to get renewed is called resource conservation.

(iii) Why are human resources important?


  1. People can make the best use of nature to create more resources when they have the knowledge, skill and technology to do so. This is why human beings are a special resource. 

  2. It is the abilities of human beings which help in transferring a physical material into a valuable resource. Hence, human resources are important.

(iv) What is sustainable development?


 Balancing the need to use resources and also conserving them for the future is called sustainable development.

In other words, sustainable development means utilising resources in such a manner that not only are the present requirements met but also the needs of the future generations are taken care of.

Question 2:

Differentiate between the following.

(a) Potential and actual resources

(b) Ubiquitous and localised resources



Potential resource

Actual resource

A resource whose entire quantity is not known

A resource whose quantity is known

Not being used at present, but could be used in the future

Being used in the present

The present level of technology is not advanced enough to utilise it

The present level of technology is advanced enough to utilise it

Example: The uranium found in Ladakh, which could be used in the future

Example: The dark soils of the Deccan plateau in Maharashtra


Ubiquitous resource

Localised resource

A resource which is found everywhere

A resource which is found only in certain place

Example: The air we breathe

Example: Copper

Multiple Choice Questions 

1. Find any one among the following which is considered as an important factor that can change substances into resources.

(A) Technology

(B) Stock

(C) Distribution

(D) Origin

Ans -(A)

2. Name the type of resources which have the capacity or ability to reproduce or renew quickly.

(A) Localised Resources

(B) Non-Renewable Resources

(C) Renewable Resources

(D) Ubiquitous Resources

Ans -(C)
3- The resources which can be used directly without any modification are called

(A) Non-renewable resources

(B) Natural resources

(C) Sustainable resources

(D) Both B and C

Ans -(A)

4. Balancing the need to use resources and also conserve them for the future is called

(A) Sustainable development

(B) Resource conservation

(C) Resource development

(D) Human resource development

Ans -(A)
5. On the basis of origin, Natural resources can be classified as and

(A) Biotic and Abiotic resources

(B) Renewable and Non Renewable

(C) Actual and Potential resources

(D) Ubiquitous and Localised resource

Ans -(A)

6. Which of these have some utility?

(A) Water

(B) electricity

(C) Vegetables

(D) All of these

Ans -(D)
7. High speed winds, solar energy, bio waste etc were all considered as potential sources of energy in the past, but today they are all examples of

(A) Non-Renewable Resources

(B) Actual Resources

(C) Ubiquitous Resources

(D) Localised Resources

Ans -(B)

8. Resources that are found everywhere are termed as

(A) localised

(B) biotic

(C) ubiquitous

(D) non-renewable

Ans -(C)
9. Water, Electricity, Rickshaw etc have all something in common, they have been used by people and hence they are all examples of

(A) Patent

(B) Skill

(C) Utility

(D) Potential

Ans -(C)

10. Which of these have economic value?

(A) Landscape

(B) Home remedies

(C) Metals

(D) None of these

Ans -(C)
11. Grandmother's home remedies have no commercial value, but can be patented and sold to become economically valuable. What exactly is the meaning of the word Patent from the following list of options?

(A) To satisfy human needs

(B) The exclusive right over an idea or invention

(C) Renewable resources

(D) The usability or utility of a substance

Ans -(B)
12. Resources are distributed unequally over the earth because of

(A) the different natural conditions

(B) level of development

(C) technological levels

(D) all of these

Ans -(A)

13. What makes an object or substance a resource?

(A) Availability

(B) Utility

(C) Reliability

(D) Reachability

Ans -(B)
14. The rich deposit of coal in Ruhr region of which country.

(A) India

(B) France

(C) Germany

(D) U. S. A

Ans -(C)

15. Resources that are drawn from Nature and used without much modification are called?

(A) natural resource

(B) human made resource

(C) human resource

(D) All of the above

Ans -(A)

16. Resources drawn from nature and used without much modification are called

(A) human made resources

(B) natural resources

(C) cultural resources

(D) none of these

Ans -(B)

17. What makes an object or substance a resource?

(A) utility

(B) origin

(C) stock

(D) patent

Ans -(A)

18. The basis of classification of resources are

(A) level of development and use

(B) origin

(C) stock and distribution

(D) all of these

Ans -(D)

19. Using resources carefully, judicially & giving them time to get renewed is called

(A) Resource Development

(B) Sustainable Conservation

(C) Sustainable Development

(D) Resource Conservation

Ans -(D)
20. The resources whose quantities are known, named as

(A) potential resources

(B) actual resources

(C) stock

(D) all of these

Ans -(B)

21. Factors which help in the development of resources are:

(A) All (b, c & d)

(B) Human Resource

(C) Technology

(D) International Competition

Ans -(A)
22. Give an example of biotic resources.

(A) rocks

(B) minerals

(C) soils

(D) animals

Ans -(D)

23. Resources created by human beings are called

(A) Natural Resource

(B) Useful Resource

(C) Industrial Resource

(D) Man Made Resource

Ans -(D)
24. Coal is an example of

(A) renewable resources

(B) non-renewable resources

(C) human resources

(D) potential resources

Ans -(B)

25. Technology is an example of

(A) natural resources

(B) human made resources

(C) both (A) and (b)

(D) none of these

Ans -(B)
26. Value means

(A) Utility

(B) Worth

(C) Money

(D) Wealth

Ans -(B)

27. Name the Resources where the quantity is known

(A) Biotic

(B) Actual

(C) Renewable

(D) Potential

Ans -(B)
28. Resources used carefully and giving them time to get renewed is called

(A) resource depletion

(B) resource conservation

(C) resource pollution

(D) none of these

Ans -(B)

29. Nitrogen fixation can be done by

(A) Industries

(B) Rhizobium

(C) Lightening

(D) All of the above

Ans -(D)
30. People use natural resources to make buildings, bridges, roads, machinery and vehicles, which are known as

(A) Human Made Resource

(B) Human Resource

(C) Natural Resource

(D) Un-Natural Resource

Ans -(A)

31. From the following which one can be described as a best example for having an economic value

(A) A beautiful sunset

(B) Resources like Iron, Manganese

(C) Affection from friends and family

(D) Good weather

Ans -(B)

32. Balancing the needs to use resources and also conserve them for future generation is called

(A) development

(B) devaluation

(C) sustainable development

(D) all of these

Ans -(C)

33. From the given list of options, which one can be considered as an example of a Natural Resource?

(A) Railway Tracks

(B) Bridges

(C) Sunlight

(D) Roads

Ans -(C)
34. Name the term given to the resources that are drawn from Nature and used without much modification.

(A) Human

(B) Natural resources

(C) Depletable

(D) Human made

Ans -(B)

35. A thing becomes a resource when it's has been identified.

(A) Character

(B) Area

(C) Utility

(D) Availability

Ans -(C)

36. Name the term given to the resources that are drawn from Nature and used without much modification.

(A) Human

(B) Natural resources

(C) Depletable

(D) Human made

Ans -(B)

27. A thing becomes a resource when it's has been identified.

(A) Character

(B) Area

(C) Utility

(D) Availability

Ans -(C)
38. Name the term that can collectively refer to consist of all living and nonliving things that surround an organism.

(A) Environment

(B) Stock

(C) Value

(D) Resource

Ans -(A)


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