The Three Orders (History Project ) Class 11


CLASS 11 Key features

It should not more then 15 pages

It should have following pages

1 Cover page: Including -

Name of school- 



Name of student, Roll No. Class & Section

Submitted To-

2. Acknowledgement

3 Index

4 Introduction

5 Content

6 Bibliography

Now we are providing one example like if students are making project file on the topic THE THREE ORDERS, it should be like 

Page  No. 1

Page No. 2 Acknowledgment

From the core of my heart, I am very thankful to everyone who all supported me, for I have completed my project effectively and moreover on time. I am overwhelmed in all humility and grateful to acknowledge my depth to all those who helped me to put these ideas well. equally grateful to my (NAME OF SUBJECT TEACHER) for giving me moral support and guidance in doing this project. It would be an injustice if do not thank my parents who helped me a lot in collecting data, pictures, and continuous help and support. With their able guidance, encouragement, and support, I could complete my project on time.

Thanking you,

(Name of the student)

Page No.3: INDEX

This page will be of Index as given in every textbook where the name of the chapters in the sequence is given along with page numbers. For example.........


i) Introduction: Content Fedualism pg 4. 

ii) First Order Priests (The Clergy) 5 & 6.

iii)  Second Order Nobles..............p.g. 7 & 8

iv) Third Order; Free peasants and serfs 9, 10 & 11

v) The causes for the decline of feudalism are : ............ & 12 & 13pg 9

Vi) Bibliography

Page No.4. Introduction

Due to socio-economic and political changes, Western Europe society was divided into three orders between the ninth and sixteenth centuries. After the fall of the Roman Empire, many groups of Germanic People occupied the regions of Italy, Spain and France.

The word ‘Feudalism’ is derived from the German word ‘feud’ which means ‘a piece of land’. Feudalism was a division of society that initially developed in medieval France, then in England and southern Italy.

It was a kind of agricultural production relationship between lords and peasants.

The three orders are three social categories: Christian priests, landowning nobles and peasants.The term ‘feudalism’ has been used by historians to describe the economic, legal, political and social relationships that existed in Europe in the medieval era.

The Three order: 

First Order Priests (The Clergy)

– The Catholic Church

– Europe guided by bishops and clerics.

– Pope lived in Rome

– Women could not be become priests

– Monks 

Church was a powerful institution. The Pope, the head of the Catholic Church, lived in Rome. Bishops were religious nobility.

The church played a major role in influencing the Medieval European society.

They collected the tithe, a tax from the peasants.

Church ceremonies copied several formal feudal customs.

Some Christians chose to live in isolation in abbeys. (‘Abbey’ is derived from the Syriac abba, meaning father. An abbey was governed by an abbot or an abbess)

Cathedral – Towns:

From the twelfth century, large churches – called cathedrals – were being built in France. These belonged to the monasteries. Cathedrals were built of stone. The area around the cathedrals became more populated and they became centres of pilgrimage. Small towns developed around them. Stained glass was used for windows of the Cathedrals. During the day the sunlight would make them radiant and after sunset the light of candles would make them visible to people outside. The stained glass narrated the stories in the Bible through pictures.

Two of the more well-known monasteries were those established by St Benedict in Italy in 529 and of Cluny in Burgundy in 910.

The Second Order:. Nobility

– Vassals of the king

– They enjoyed a privileged status

– Absolute control over property

– Could raise troops

– Even coin his own money

The nobility had a privileged role in the social process with absolute control over his land. They raised troops and could levy taxes callef ‘Feudal Levies’. The King of France was linked to his people through the system of ‘vassalage’. The King was accepted as Seigneur, i.e. lord. The nobility lived in manor houses.

The cavalry and peasant soldiers were called knights. Minstrels and bards toured France, singing tales of brave kings and knights.

 The Third Order: Peasants, Free and Unfree

The order usually consisted of farmers and peasants who were divided into two categories:

Free Peasants were owners of land but worked as tenants in their own lands and had to pay tax to the royals. They had compulsory military service for at least forty days. They were manual labourers and had to do jobs like digging,winemaking, gathering wood, construction work, etc.

Unfree Peasants or Serfs were those who worked on the owner’s land. Anything produced from the land would directly go to the owner. Serfs were not allowed to leave the land without owners’ permission and worked without wages. Even the social life of the serf, marriage, etc., would be decided by the nobility. In turn, the serf would have to pay money to the royal authority.

However, with the breakdown of the Roman Empire, the thin line dividing the serfs and slaves became less prominent. The serfs were bonded labourers and subjected to the wishes of their masters. But with the development of the economy, trade across countries became more and more profitable. Many serfs freed themselves and started cultivating their own lands. Bonded labour was replaced with direct and indirect taxations, which the serfs had to pay. 

The causes for the decline of feudalism are : 

1 Feudalism contained in itself the seeds of its destruction. In course of time when the feudal lords began to assert themselves too much the kings who headed the feudal hierarchy thought of bringing them under control. In this task they received full support from the newly emerged middle classes and freemen who were not under the control of the lords. 

2  The liberation of the serfs due to enormous growth in trade and commerce also greatly contributed to the decline of feudalism. With the growth of trade and commerce a number of new cities and towns grew which provided new opportunities for work. The serfs got an opportunity to free themselves of the feudal lords by taking up work in the new towns. It may be observed that according to the existing feudal laws a serf could become a freeman if he stayed away from the manor for more than one year. 

3  The Crusades or the Holy Wars also greatly contributed to the decline of the feudal system. As a result of these wars the Europeans learnt the use of gun-powder from the Muslims. The discovery of gunpowder greatly undermined the importance of the feudal castles. As a result it was no more possible for the feudal lords to take shelter in these castles and defy the authority of the king.  


4 The Crusades contributed to the decline of feudalism in another way too. They opened up trade between Europe and cities of Constantinople and Alexandria. As a result commerce and industry in Europe received a fillip and a number of important cities developed. The merchants and artisans residing in these cities wished to free themselves from the control of feudal over-lords. 

 5  The scarcity of labour force in Europe as a result of Black Death which took a heavy toll of life in Europe enhanced the bargaining powers of the serfs and rendered feudal system weak.

Page No 14 Bibliography

Generally, this includes:

1. Author/editor(s

2. Publication date(s)

3. Title(s)

4. Publisher/company.

5. Volume.

6. Pages.

7. Websites.

For example if we are writing bibliography for the project The Harappan Civilization, it should be like

Last but not the least


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