
Showing posts from February, 2023

Theme 11: Paths To Modernisation MCQs & NCERT Solutions

 Class 11 Humanities (.History )  Theme 11: PathsTo  Modernisation MCQs /  OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS Q1. The third longest river in the world that flows in China is the (i) Pearl River (ii) Xi River (iii) Yangtse River (Chang Jiang) (iv) Yellow River (Huang He) Ans. (iii) Yangtse River (Chang Jiang) Q2. Path of modernisation runs between (i) The situations and the means (ii) Availability of men and machines (iii) Thought and their application (iv) Neither of them. Ans.(iii) Thought and their application Q3. Examination System was withdrawn by China because (i) It was not regulated properly. (ii) It was corrupted. (iii) It was based on classical Chinese learning. (iv) The civil and military officials so recruited were found unsuitable. Ans.(iii) It was based on classical Chinese learning. Q4. Mao Tse Tung advocated ways of solving social problems based on a survey conducted in 1930 in (i) Fuzhou (ii) Jiujiang (iii) Nanchang (iv) Xuanwu Ans.(iv) Xuanwu Q5. The Korean president, whose res

21 फरवरी 2023 अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस निबंध

निज भाषा उन्नति अहै, सब उन्नति को मूल बिन निज भाषा-ज्ञान के, मिटत न हिय को सूल।।            आज का दिन यानी 21 फरवरी को पूरे विश्व में 'अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस' के रूप में मनाया जा रहा है। इस पहल का उद्देश्य विश्व के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों की विविध संस्कृति और बौद्धिक विरासत की रक्षा करना तथा संरक्षण करना एवं उन्हें बढ़ावा देना है।        संयुक्त राष्ट्र की एक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार विश्व भर में बोली जाने वाली 6000 भाषाओं में से लगभग 43 प्रतिशत भाषाएं  समाप्त होती जा रही हैं।  गायब होने की रफ्तार तीव्र है, तकरीबन हर महीने में दो भाषा गायब हो जाती है, इस से क्षेत्रीय, सांस्कृतिक और बौद्धिक विरासत नष्ट होने के कगार पर है। डिजिटल क्रांति में पिछड़ती छोटी भाषाएं भी अपना अस्तित्व नहीं बचा पा रही है। आज डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्म  में सौ से भी कम भाषाओं का उपयोग होता है।       अब अगर हम अपने देश की बात करें तो भारत प्राचीन समय से बहुभाषी देश  रहा है यहां  ''चार कोस पर बदले बानी'' तो है ही और यही विविधता इसकी पहचान भी है। यहां मातृभाषा के रूप में 19,569 भाषाएं या बोलियां बोली जाती हैं

Theme 10 Displacing Indigenous Peoples MCQs & NCERT Solutions

 Class 11  History Theme 10: Displacing Indigenous Peoples  Multiple choice questions (MCQs) 1. Karl Marx described the American frontier as 'the last positive capitalist utopia" in his book (a) Grundrisse (b) Das Kapital (c) The Communist Manifesto (d) The German Ideology Ans- (a) Grundrisse 2. The French Canadian rebellion occurred in the year: (a) 1837 (b) 1838 (c) 1839 (d) 1840 Ans- (a) 1837 3. The term Terra Nullius means: (a) Land belonging to nobody (b) Land belonging to natives (c) Land belonging to the state (d) Land of immigrants Ans- (a) Land belonging to nobody 4. The Native American tribe, which was forcibly evicted by US President Andrew Jackson, was (a) Hopis (b) Cherokees (c) Metis (d) Ottawas Ans-  (b) Cherokees 5. Europeans wanted to cut down native forests and replace them with (a) Sugarcane fields (b) Rice fields (c) Cornfields (d) Cotton fields Ans-  (c) Cornfields 6. The year in which Amerigo de Vespucci's Travels was published was (a) 1508 (b) 1507 (

Class-IX Geography CBSE Map List 2022-2023

Class-IX Geography  CBSE Map List 2022-2023  (Outline Political Map of India) Chapter -1: India-Size and Location India-States with Capitals Tropic of Cancer, Standard Meridian  (Location and Labelling) Chapter -2: Physical Features of India Mountain Ranges:  The Karakoram, The Zasker, The Shivalik, The Aravali, The Vindhya, The Satpura, Western & Eastern Ghats • Mountain Peaks -  K2, Kanchan Junga, Anai Mudi Plateau  -  Deccan Plateau, Chotta Nagpur Plateau, Malwa Plateau  Coastal Plains  -  Konkan, Malabar, Coromandal & Northern Circar  (Location and Labelling) Chapter -3: Drainage Rivers: (Identification only) The Himalayan River Systems- The Indus, The Ganges, and The Satluj The Peninsular Rivers- The Narmada, The Tapi, The Kaveri, The Krishna, The Godavari, The Mahanadi Lakes: Wular, Pulicat, Sambhar, Chilika Chapter - 4: Climate • Areas receiving rainfall less than 20 cm and over 400 cm (

Working of Institutions CBSE BOARD Class 9 MCQ's & Important Questions

Working of Institutions Class 9  CBSE BOARD DEMOCRATIC POLITICS (PART-1) Multiple Choice Question (MCQs) 1. Who is the head of the State? (a) The President (b) The Prime Minister (c) Cabinet Ministers (d) Council of Ministers 2. How many houses are there in the Parliament? (a) One house.       (b) Two houses (c) Three houses     (d) Four houses 3. Which institution resolves disputes between citizens and government? (a) The Supreme Court (b) The High Court (c) The Supreme Court and the High Court (d) None of the above 4. Once the Lok Sabha passes the budget of the government or any other money related law, the Rajya Sabha cannot reject it. It can only delay it by- (a) 21 days (b) 18 days d) 14 days (c) 16 days 5. By whom was the Mandal Commission headed? (a) V.P. Singh (b) Janata Dal (c) B.P. Mandal (d) None of these 6. Why all laws made in the Houses come  into force only after they receive the assent of the President? (a) Because the President of India is not a member of either House


FOR CLASS-9 HISTORY (CBSE BOARD) PASTORALISTS IN THE MODERN WORLD  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 1. Nomadic tribes need to move from one place to another because of- (a) seasonal changes (b) their mobile nature (c) their poor background  (d) all of the above 2. Dhangars are an important pastoral community of which state? (a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Maharashtra (c) Jammu and Kashmir  (d) Rajasthan 3. The life of pastoralists greatly changed under colonial rule. What is/are this/ these change/changes? (a) Their grazing grounds shrank.  (b) Their movements were regulated. (c) They had to pay increased revenue. (d) All of the above 4. When was the Criminal Tribes Act (a) In 1889 (c) In 1878 (b) In 1871 (d) In 1870 5. Why did the colonial government introduce the Grazing Tax in the mid- 19th century? (a) To expand its revenue. (b) To ban cattle herder from entering grazing tracts. (c) Both (a) and (b). (d) None of the above  6. How many people in Africa are dependent on some form of pastora

Chapter 3 Nazims and The Rise of Hitler MCQ's & NCERT Solutions

Chapter 3 Nazims and The Rise of Hitler CBSE BOARD Social Science  Class 9 Social Science History Multiple Choice Question (MCQs) 1. What was the name given to mass killings of the Jews under Hitler's regime? (a) Holocaust (b) Special Treatment (c) November criminals (d) None of these 2. Germany fought the First World War against (a) England                 (c) Russia (b) France                   (d) All of these 3. Name the incident that started the Second World War. (a) The Treaty of Versailles (b) Birth of the Weimar Republic (c) Genocidal war (d) Germany's attack on Poland 4. When was the Enabling Act passed in Germany? (a) On 12th March 1933  (b) On 3rd March 1933 (c) On 3rd February 1903 (d) On 14th March 1932 5. What was Auschwitz famous for? (a) Centre for mass killings during Nazi Germany (b) Centre for educating children during Nazi Germany (c) Centre for giving military training to the youth during Nazi Germany (d) None of the above 6. On 30 January 1933 who offered

Chapter 4 Forest society and Colonialism MCQ's & NCERT Solutions (class 9 History)

NCERT Solutions for Class 9  Social Science History  Chapter 4 Forest society and Colonialism Multiple Choice Question (MCQs) 1. What per cent of the world's total area was cleared between 1700 and 1995 for industrial uses, cultivation, pastures and fuel wood? (a) 8.5 per cent       (b) 9.3 per cent (c) 11.8 per cent     (d) 10.3 per cent  2. Why were forests cleared off rapidly during the colonial period? (a) To fulfil the demand of commercial crops (b) Forests were considered to be wasteland (c) To fulfil the demand of timber. (d) All the above 3. How many trees were being cut annually for sleepers in 1850s in the Madras Presidency? (a) 38,000 trees (b) 35,890 trees (c) 37,990 trees (d) 35,000 trees 4. Where was the Imperial Forest Research Institute set up in 1906? (a) Dehradun (b) Bastar (c) Bangalore  (d) Nagpur 5. When was the Indian Forest Act passed? (a) In 1869 (c) In 1865 (b) In 1855  (d) In 1860 6. Which of the following is the local name of shifting cultivation in Sri L