
Showing posts from August, 2023

Constitutional Design (Question Answer, class-IX CBSE BOARD)

What is meant by apartheid? How was it oppressive for the blacks? Answer: Apartheid was the name of a system of racial discrimination unique to South Africa. The white Europeans imposed this system on South Africa. The system of apartheid divided the people and labelled them according to their skin colour. Many ‘whites’ had settled in South Africa and became the local rulers. The system of public toilets, were all separate for the whites and blacks. This, was called segregation. They could not even visit the churches where the whites worshipped. Blacks could not form associations or protest the terrible treatment. Q3. What were the steps involved in the framing of the Indian Constitution? Answer: The drafting of the document called the constitution was done by an assembly of elected representatives called the Constituent Assembly. Elections to the Constituent Assembly were held in July 1946. Its first meeting was held in December 1946. Soon after, the country was divided into India and

Nationalism in India (history class 10 CBSE Board)

Q. 1. Explain: (Write in Brief) (a) Why is growth of nationalism in the colonies linked to an anti-colonial movement? Ans. 1.Colonisation affected people's freedom, and nationalist sentiments rushed during the process of struggle against the British domination.  2. For people, the sense of oppression and exploitation became a common bond, which gave rise to the nationalist ideas. (b) How did the First World War help in the growth of the National Movement in India? Ans. 1.There was forced recruitment in the rural areas of India by the British army during the First World War.  2. To finance the defence expenditure, customs duties were raised and income taxes introduced. 3. Prize rise, poverty and unemployment led to extreme hardship for the common people. 4. During 1918-19 and 1920-21, crop failure was followed by famine which resulted in severe food shortages. This was followed by an influenza epidemic in which 12 to 13 million people perished. (c) Why were Indians outraged by the R

Federalism ( Class 10 CBSE Board)

Features of federalism 1. There are two or more levels (or tiers) of government.  2. Different tiers of government govern the same citizens, but each tier has its own jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration.  3. The jurisdictions of the respective levels or tiers of government are specified in the constitution.  4. The fundamental provisions of the constitution require the consent of both the levels of government.  5.  Courts have the power to interpret the constitution and the powers of different levels of government. 6. Sources of revenue for each level of government are clearly specified to ensure its financial autonomy. 7. The federal system thus has dual objectives: to safeguard and promote unity of the country, while at the same time accommodate regional diversity.  Q2. State difference between unitary and Federal government.  Answer- Federal Government :-  1) Under federal system there are two levels of government, one at the central level an

An Empire Across The Three Continents (11 history CBSE Board)

An Empire Across The Three Continents (11 history CBSE Board)           QUESTION ANSWER  Q1. Write down some basic features of Roman society and economy.. Ans. Basic features of Roman Society. 1. Widespread prevalence of the nuclear family. 2. Wife did not transfer to her husband's authority but retained full rights in the property of her natal family.  3. The considerable legal rights women enjoyed in owning and managing property. 4. In law married couple was not one financial entity but two.  5. Divorce was relatively easy and needed no more than a notice of intent to dissolve the marriage by either husband or wife. 6. Prevalence of vast diversity in religious cults. 7. Plurality of languages that were spoken, the styles of dress and costume, the food people ate, and even in their forms of social organisation and patterns of settlement.  8. The concept of amusement.  Basic features of Roman Economy. 1. Preference to live in urban centres. 2. Cities as bedrock of the imperial syst