
Showing posts from July, 2023

WRITING AND CITY LIFE (Question & Answer) 11th class history CBSE Board

              WRITING AND CITY LIFE Q. 1. The kingdom of Mari was not militarily strong yet it was exceptionally prosperous. Given any four reasons.  Ans. After 2000 BCE the royal capital of Mari flourished. Among the factors which contributed to its prosperity were  1. The geographical location of Mari Mari stood on the southern plain which was highly productive agriculturally 2 Moreover animal rearing was yet another profitable occupation of the people as some of the communities were both farmers and pastoralists. 3. Mesopotamian society and culture was basically inclusive. This added to the vitality of the civilisation and was reflected in the prosperity of Mari. 4. Located on the Euphrate's, Mari, occupied an advantageous position. It profited from trade both upstream and downstream in wood, copper, tin, oil, wine, barley and various other goods carried in boats between the south and mineral rich uplands of Turkey, Syria and Lebanon.  5. It profited immensely by levying charge

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution (Question answer)

  History Chapter 2  Socialism in Europe and the Russia Question-1 What were the social, economic and political conditions in Russia before 1905? Solution: The following were the social, economic, and political conditions in Russia before 1905. (a) Social Conditions:  The majority religion was Russian Orthodox Christianity which had grown out of the Greek Orthodox Church. But the empire also included Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and Buddhists. The non-Russian nationalities were not treated equal to that of Russian nationalities. They were not given the freedom to follow their culture and language. Workers were divided into group on the basis of skill and training. Peasants formed their group called commune or mir. (b) Economic conditions:  The majority of Russians were agriculturists. Grain was the main item of export from Russia. Industries were few. Prominent industrial areas were St Petersburg and Moscow. Much of the production was done by the craftsmen. There were large factorie